Accountant Job Description

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Table Of Contents

Learn about the important requirements, obligations, responsibilities, and skills that should be in an accountant job description.

An accountant is a professional who helps businesses make financial decisions through the tracking, collection, and communication of data. Responsibilities will include recording financial transactions, analyzing data, auditing, and financial forecasting. You will be responsible for upkeep and maintaining financial records, reviewing and approving budgets, expenses, and financial reports.

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Accountant Job Description Template

We are searching for an experienced, professional accountant to join our team. This is an ideal position for an individual who has in-depth knowledge of and experience with accounting practices and procedures. You’ll be responsible for preparing and maintaining financial records including financial analysis, budgeting, and forecasting, as well as supporting the development of financial strategies.

You should be comfortable working with people and have the ability to work independently or in a team environment. You’ll play a critical role in the financial recordkeeping of the organization and maintain the company's financial statements and compliance with relevant laws and regulations

Accountant Responsibilities

  • Gathering and reporting financial data
  • Collection and maintenance of financial records
  • Reviewing and approving expense reports
  • Financial forecasting
  • Budget modeling
  • Preparing, tracking, and recording taxes
  • Auditing of financial records
  • Resolving disputes and inaccuracies
  • Compliance with financial regulations including tax laws and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

Accountant Requirements 

  • Associate’s degree
  • 2+ years of experience in accounting or finance
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Proficiency with financial software and spreadsheet programs
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • The ability to work independently and in a team environment

Accountant Duties And Responsibilities

Financial Record Keeping

Prepare and maintain accurate and timely financial records, including general ledger, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. Review and approve expense reports. Reconcile the general ledger regularly and maintain compliance with state and federal regulations.

Financial Analysis

Conduct financial analysis. Provide recommendations for improving financial performance. Audit financial records to ensure correct recording and reconciliation.

Collaboration and Communication

Work with the senior accounting team and management to ensure shared goals. Be able to work independently and within a team setting. Be comfortable working one-on-one with clients and presenting data and financial information.

Related: The Best Accounting Careers


Generate billing statements and reports. Demonstrate accounting and financial expertise, reviewing and maintaining the organization’s financial records to ensure the continued financial health of the organization. Perform financial forecasting and budget modeling.

Compliance and Regulation

Preparing real estate documents as needed. This can include purchase contracts, amendments, etc.

If you want an accounting career, you may need to update your resume. Check out our guide to creating an accounting resume to learn more. If you still need extra help, we recommend working with a resume writing service.

Accountant Salary And Job Outlook

Median National Salary: $68,326/year

Education Required: Associate’s degree

Number of Jobs: 1,538,400

Job Growth 2022 – 2032: 4% (As fast as average)

The Bottom Line

You can use this as a guide in the creation of your accountant job description so you can write a job posting to find an accountant to fill your role.

You can feel free to change the job description, responsibilities, and job duties as you wish. These 20+ free job posting sites can be of interest to you if you’re looking to post your job listing on multiple job boards.

Post your Accountant job description on ZipRecruiter today!