Changing careers at 30, 40 or even 50 can be scary, but it's also much more common today. We have the knowledge and experience to help you navigate any career change, and we know what it's like to face the uncertainty because we've been there! Be sure to subscribe to The Break Newsletter for more on "breaking work" and navigating career change.
Thinking about making a career change? Don’t worry, you’re not alone here. According to this source, 70% of working-age people are looking to change careers. Additionally, 52% of U.S. workers are…
Career change at 30? It’s not as far-fetched as it might sound in your head. Would it surprise you to learn that the average age people make a career change is in their thirties? The average age a…
Making a career change at 40 can be within reach for you. It’s never too late to switch careers. The average age workers change careers is 39. So, if you’re thinking about changing career paths at 4…
Changing careers can be a worry at any age but, the older you get, the more worrisome you can feel about it all. You’re an older worker, competing against your peers which may be younger. Not to…
Thinking about making a career change? Don’t worry, you’re not alone here. According to this source, 70% of working-age people are looking to change careers. Additionally, 52% of U.S. workers are…
Career change at 30? It’s not as far-fetched as it might sound in your head. Would it surprise you to learn that the average age people make a career change is in their thirties? The average age a…
Making a career change at 40 can be within reach for you. It’s never too late to switch careers. The average age workers change careers is 39. So, if you’re thinking about changing career paths at 4…
Changing careers can be a worry at any age but, the older you get, the more worrisome you can feel about it all. You’re an older worker, competing against your peers which may be younger. Not to…
Thinking about making a career change? Don’t worry, you’re not alone here. According to this source, 70% of working-age people are looking to change careers. Additionally, 52% of U.S. workers are…
Career change at 30? It’s not as far-fetched as it might sound in your head. Would it surprise you to learn that the average age people make a career change is in their thirties? The average age a…
Making a career change at 40 can be within reach for you. It’s never too late to switch careers. The average age workers change careers is 39. So, if you’re thinking about changing career paths at 4…
Changing careers can be a worry at any age but, the older you get, the more worrisome you can feel about it all. You’re an older worker, competing against your peers which may be younger. Not to…
Are you fascinated by the human mind and its complexities? Welcome to the world of psychology, a field brimming with diverse and rewarding career opportunities. In this article, we dive into the top…
The end of a year is a natural time to reflect on your career path. We’ve all experienced a lot of uncertainty in the last few years. If a career change is on your mind, you’re not alone. Making a…
Understanding the concept of at-will employment is crucial for both employers and employees. This prevalent aspect of the U.S. job landscape significantly influences job security and workplace…
Look, I’ve been there. Paralyzed by choice: “I want a career change, but how do I know it will work out?” You're successful on paper. The salary, title, and expense account all suggest you've "made it…
If you’ve exceeded every goal your manager has set for you, you may be trying to learn how to ask for a raise. We know that this conversation makes even the most self-assured professional tremble on…
Thinking about making a career change? Don’t worry, you’re not alone here. According to this source, 70% of working-age people are looking to change careers. Additionally, 52% of U.S. workers are…
Wondering what your next career step should be? A career aptitude test or career assessment could give you valuable information about the type of job you can excel at. Career assessments help you find…
Navigating a toxic work environment can feel like trying to find your way through a maze filled with stress and negativity. I’ve been there too, and I know how isolating it can be. Studies show that…
If you’re thinking about writing a letter of resignation, you’re probably looking for a new job. We recommend checking out ZipRecruiter (it’s free and makes applying for a new jobs really easy…
When it comes to the job interview process, many job seekers focus solely on preparing for the questions they will be asked by the interviewer. However, it's important to remember that the interview…