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Michael Gardon

Michael Gardon

477 posts

Mike is our Founder, career coach, and resident expert on all things resume, hiring and work-life. He is author of The Break newsletter and host of The Break Podcast on Careercloud. He has seen everything from being hired (and fired) to hiring and managing hundreds of people over his career. Mike has also successfully navigated many career pivots. He is a former derivatives trader turned corporate consultant turned entrepreneur who also holds a Bachelors' Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MBA from DePaul University in Chicago. Mike is often interviewed and quoted on career topics in major publications such as Business Insider, Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo Finance and Fox News. Mike resides in the beautiful midwest where he built a life around his family. Connect with Mike to talk purpose, career change, entrepreneurship and side hustles like Quotebook, which he built with his kids!

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