How To Put In Your Two Weeks Notice

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Table Of Contents

Deciding to leave a job can be a challenging process, and it's essential to approach the situation with professionalism and grace. One common practice when resigning from a position is providing a two weeks' notice. This is basically a formal announcement to your employer, stating your intention to leave the company and giving them enough time to find a suitable replacement or transition your responsibilities to another team member.

In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about submitting your two week notice.

Quickstart Guide To Putting In Your Two Weeks Notice

  1. Update your resume. Prior to putting in your notice, make sure your resume is polished and up-to-date. This can help you with your job search and also ensures your resume is updated. For resume help, check out our guide to the best resume writing services.
  2. Take control of your future. Discover your unique strengths with the Advantage Mapping Course! Sign up now to uncover your advantages and leverage them for career success.
  3. Look for job openings on ZipRecruiter. You can search for jobs for free on ZipRecruiter! You can also upload your resume to their resume database so that recruiters and employers can find you. ZipRecruiter is our top recommendation for a free job posting site.

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What Is A Two Week Notice?

A two-week notice is a formal notification provided by an employee to their employer, indicating their intention to resign from their position after two weeks. This has become a standard practice in most companies and is considered a professional courtesy rather than mandatory.

The primary purpose of giving a two-week notice is to ensure a smooth transition for both the employee and the employer. By providing adequate notice, the employer has the opportunity to find a suitable replacement or train another staff member to take on the departing employee's responsibilities.

When preparing to submit a two-week notice, it's essential to keep the following points in mind:

  1. Notify your boss first and do it in person, if possible.
  2. Keep your explanation brief and straightforward.
  3. Be prepared to answer follow-up questions and discuss next steps.
  4. Have an end date in mind before giving your notice.

Additionally, it's common to provide a written letter or email that formally acknowledges your resignation and last day of work. This document can be brief, with just a sentence or two expressing gratitude for the opportunity and confirming your departure.

Why Should You Give Two Weeks' Notice?

When it comes to resigning from a job, providing a two weeks' notice can be beneficial for both the employer and the employee. There are several reasons why giving a two weeks' notice is generally considered the appropriate course of action:

Professional Courtesy

By giving two weeks' notice, an employee demonstrates his or her respect for the company and co-workers. It signals that the employee would like to leave on good terms and acknowledges the accepted business practice they established in their work environment.

Time For Transition

Providing a notice period allows the employer sufficient time to prepare for the employee's departure. It offers them an opportunity to create a transition plan to minimize disruptions for the team and ensures that important tasks or information do not get lost in the process.

Preserving Relationships

Upholding a friendly and professional demeanor by giving two weeks' notice can help maintain good working relationships with former colleagues and supervisors. This is especially important if they need to ask for future references or if they encounter former colleagues in their new job.

Preventing Bridge Burning

In some cases, not giving two weeks' notice might result in negative consequences, such as being ineligible for rehire at the company or receiving unfavorable references from the employer. To avoid burning bridges, it is advisable to follow common professional standards and give notice.

When considering giving your two weeks' notice, it is important to be aware of any legal obligations or requirements related to your resignation. In most cases, giving a two weeks' notice is a courtesy and not a legal requirement.

Review Your Employment Contracts

If you have an employment contract, be sure to review it carefully before submitting your resignation. Some contracts may require a longer notice period, while others may have specific conditions for termination. If you're unsure, consider consulting with an attorney or a human resources representative to ensure compliance with your contract.

Read Your Company Policies

It is also wise to familiarize yourself with your company's resignation policy, which may have additional requirements or stipulations when it comes to submitting your notice. Company policies can usually be found in the employee handbook or intranet. Follow the proper guidelines laid out to avoid any potential issues.

Remember that you still have certain legal obligations to your employer during the notice period. This may include completing ongoing projects, training a replacement, or handing over essential information. Failure to fulfill these responsibilities during your final weeks may lead to legal consequences.

Timing Your Notice

When it comes to putting in your two weeks' notice, timing is crucial. This section will help you understand the importance of assessing the best time to notify your employer and how to navigate this often delicate process.

Assessing the Best Time to Notify

To ensure a smooth transition for both you and your employer, consider the following factors when determining the best time to submit your notice:

  1. Company policies and procedures: Familiarize yourself with your company's guidelines on resignation notices. Some organizations may require a specific amount of notice, which may be different from the standard two weeks. If you are unsure about these requirements, consult your employee handbook or speak with your HR representative.
  2. Workload and responsibilities: Take into account your current tasks and any ongoing projects. Ideally, you should aim to submit your notice when your workload is manageable, allowing you enough time to finish or hand off any outstanding work. This will help you leave on a positive note and maintain a good relationship with your employer.
  3. Important dates and milestones: If possible, avoid submitting your resignation just prior to important deadlines or during a crucial project. This consideration shows your professionalism and respect for your colleagues' needs.
  4. Employee hierarchy: If you are in a senior or managerial position, granting your employer more than the typical two-week notice may be necessary. This extra time can help ensure a seamless transition for your team.
  5. Personal considerations: Evaluate your own situation and determine when it would be most practical for you to resign. Consider any potential start dates for new job opportunities, and whether you need time off between positions for personal matters, relocation, or simply to recharge.

Remember to be flexible and patient as you plan your notification. Balancing your personal needs and your employer's expectations requires careful thought and attention. By being considerate and proactive, you'll help maintain a positive relationship with your employer while taking the next steps in your career.

How To Write Your Notice Letter

Structuring Your Letter

To make your letter look professional, follow a standard business letter format. Start by including your contact information, the date, and your employer's contact information.

What To Include

  1. Address the letter: Include the company name and the name of the person you are addressing the letter to, which in most cases will be your supervisor.
  2. State your resignation: In the opening paragraph, inform your employer that you will resign from your job in two weeks. Include the date of your last working day.
  3. Express gratitude: Thank your employer for the opportunities and experiences you've gained while working with the company.
  4. Offer assistance: Offer to help with the transition process like training your replacement or documenting your job duties.

What To Avoid

  • Being negative: Do not use your resignation letter to vent or express dissatisfaction with your job, coworkers, or management. Focus on the positive aspects of your experience.
  • Oversharing: Keep your resignation letter brief and to the point – no need to include lengthy explanations for your departure.
  • Burning bridges: Maintain a professional and courteous tone in your letter, as you may need a reference from your employer in the future. Leaving on good terms is crucial.

Two Week Notice Letter Template

Writing a two week notice letter can be a daunting task, but by using a friendly and concise template, it can be much more manageable. Below is a simple template that can be customized to fit your specific requirements and situation.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Today's Date]

[Recipient Name]

[Recipient's Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to formally notify you of my resignation from my position at [Company Name], effective [Date of Last Day]. I have appreciated the opportunities and experiences during my time with the company.

During the next two weeks, I will do my best to help with the transition by completing any pending projects, documenting important information, and assisting my replacement or team members as needed. If you require any additional support from me during this period, please feel free to ask.

Thank you for the support and guidance during my tenure at [Company Name]. I have enjoyed working with my colleagues and appreciate the valuable friendships and connections I have made. I wish you and the company continued success in the future.


[Your Name]

How To Give Your Two Week Notice

Choosing The Right Method

Consider the culture and dynamics of your workplace before you proceed. For many, submitting a written notice such as an email or letter is a standard practice. For a more personal touch, you may consider talking to your manager face-to-face before handing in your written notice.

Speaking To Your Manager

Notify your manager in person before telling your coworkers about your decision. Be honest, respectful, and keep the conversation focused on your reasons for leaving. You can mention career progression, personal circumstances, or other opportunities without going into too much detail.

For more tips, check out our guide on reasons for leaving a job.

Have Your Last Work Day In Mind

When giving your two weeks' notice, you should already have a specific date for your final work day. This helps with the transition process and allows your employer to prepare accordingly.

Finishing Projects

It's important to leave your workplace in a good state, so make sure to finish any pending projects or, if that's not possible, give a detailed status update to your team to help them continue the work after you leave.

Passing On Responsibilities

Create a list of your current tasks and responsibilities, and work with your manager to determine who will take over them after your departure. Be available to collaborate with your colleagues during this time to ensure a smooth handover.

Handling Counter Offers

Sometimes, employers might present a counter offer to incentivize you to stay. Assess these offers carefully, considering factors such as your reasons for leaving, financial benefits, and long-term career goals, before making a decision.

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Do You Have To Give A Two-Week Notice?

Technically, you do not need to give two weeks notice - there is no law that requires this.

The idea of providing two weeks notice is relational - if you do not want to burn any bridges, or if you would like good recommendations, give the two weeks.

Speaking as a small business owner, we put a lot of time and money into filling roles. We need to get work done and that two weeks generally allows us enough planning time to either hire someone new to fill your role, or adjust schedules to have current team members cover.

I have had employees not give two weeks notice. That has left me scrambling, and far less likely to give a good review, recommendation, or assistance in the future. I believe in treating everyone well and doing the right thing, so even if you don't have a good relationship with your outgoing employer, it's still best to give notice.

Bottom Line

Putting in your two weeks' notice is an important step when leaving a job. It demonstrates professionalism and courtesy towards your employer.

Now that you know how to put in your notice, you can help ensure you leave your job on a positive note, without burning bridges, and with a solid foundation for your next career move.

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