How To Write A Thank You Email After Your Interview

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You’ve had a job interview, and now it’s time to write a thank-you note. This tradition seems a bit old-fashioned, but taking the time to send a thank you note or email can set you apart from other candidates. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about writing a thank you email.

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Do You Need To Send A Thank You After An Interview? 

You certainly do not have to send a thank-you note after an interview. They aren’t a mandatory part of the job hunt. But, they can be a good idea. Here’s why:

Some Hiring Managers Expect Thank-You Notes

Not all do, mind you. But some absolutely do expect them and will think poorly of you if you don’t send one. It only takes a second to write one, so why risk offending the hiring manager?

It Puts You Back On The Hiring Manager’s Mind

Often, you’re competing against multiple people for the job. The hiring manager (or team) may have interviewed four or five other people for the job. Some of these people may have similar experiences to yours, making everyone blur together. Sending a thank-you note brings your name back to the front of the hiring manager’s mind. That’s a good thing!

It’s A Chance To Throw In Something You Forgot To Mention

Have you ever walked out of an interview and said, “oh no, I forgot to tell them about the time I won employee of the month!”? It can be frustrating, so here’s a chance to add that in.

You Can Also Ask A Relevant Question

At the end of most job interviews, the interviewer will ask, “do you have any questions?” and sometimes you don’t at that moment. But, undoubtedly, questions come later. You can include them in a thank you note.

You don’t have to send a paper card–an email is acceptable. If you don’t have the hiring manager’s email address, it’s often easy to find it on the company website. You can also ask the recruiter or search for the person on LinkedIn and send the thank you note there.

Related: Questions To Ask In An Interview

How To Write A Thank You Email 

Don’t worry too much about it! Just write it, but here are some things to include.


Unless the person has a Doctor or Professor title, address it to First and Last name. So, “Dear Jane Doe.” Don’t use “Dear Jane” or “Dear Ms. Doe.” The only exception to the latter is if they introduced themselves as Ms. Doe or Mr. Roe.


Use your full name as found on your resume. If your legal name is Jonathan Jones, but your resume says Jon, sign off as Jon Jones. You want them to match your thank you to your resume. Use a polite closing like “Sincerely” or something that fits your personality. Only use titles if you have one like Doctor or Professor.

If you need help with your resume, we recommend checking out the best resume writing services.

Reference The Job

Make sure you include a reference to which job! you applied for and interviewed for. They may be interviewing people for multiple positions.

Include An Actual Thank You

It doesn’t have to be gushing, but do say thanks in one way or another.

Express Your Continued Interest In The Position

Remember, you’re interviewing the company just as they are interviewing you! So, let them know you want to move forward.

Ask A Question

If you have one, that is. Don’t try to force one.

Sample Thank You Emails

Here are some sample wordings for thank you emails.

Dear Jane Doe,

I really enjoyed meeting with you to discuss the Woodworking position. The workshop at Doe’s Wood was stunning, and I would love to work there with your team. I’m looking forward to hearing from you again, and I thank you for your time.


John Roe

Dear. Dr. Bushman,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me about the research assistant position. I’m very interested in diving into the data about snails under your guidance. My focus so far has been on slugs, and I think there will be a lot of cross-over in my research. I have a question about the hours' requirements–did I need to maintain 12 credit hours while working as an RA, or is 10 sufficient?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Yolanda Smith

When Should You Send Your Thank You Email?

The best time to send a thank-you note is within 24 hours of interviewing, but it’s okay to send one later if you couldn’t get around to it right away. The important thing is that it gets there before the hiring manager decides who to hire.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

How do you write a thank you email after an online interview?

Video interviews are very popular right now. Approach the thank you note the same way you would an in-person interview.

Should I send a thank-you note after every interview?

If you interviewed with multiple people, it could be a bit overwhelming to write everyone an email. You can send a group email if you like, but make sure you send a single email to the hiring manager.

How to send a second follow-up email after an interview?

After the second round of interviews, they know you better, and you know them better. You should send a more focused email about the job and focus on what you discussed in this interview.

What is the subject line for a thank-you mail?

You can use a variety of subject lines that fit your situation, but here are some ideas.

  • Thank you for meeting with me
  • [Job Title Interview] follow up
  • Looking forward to learning more about [job title]

The Bottom Line

Writing the thank-you note doesn’t have to be stressful. Take a few minutes after every interview to send a nice note. Miss Manners would be proud, and it might help you get the job. If you’re interviewing and looking for a job, check out ZipRecruiter!