How To Write A Resume For A Stay-At-Home Mom

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It’s time to get back into the workforce, and you’re trying to figure out how to write a stay-at-home mom resume. Don’t worry. We’ll share everything you need to know so that you can effectively showcase your many skills and land the job you deserve.

If you’re short on time but still want to create an impactful resume, consider hiring a professional resume writing service.

If you are looking to join the workforce after being a stay-at-home Mom, we recommend starting your search on ZipRecruiter. ZipRecruiter is free for job seekers and you can apply for jobs with a single click.

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What Is Unique About A Stay-At-Home Mom Resume?

A well-written resume is your ticket back into the office. But, while every job search is challenging, you have to face the additional hurdle of a lengthy career break. A stay-at-home mom resume is different from other resumes because it has to address that gap in a way where it becomes a non-issue for your next employer.

What Should Be Included On A Stay-At-Home Mom Resume?

Your stay-at-home mom resume should include the same sections as any other resume. So let’s look at each one closely in the order they should appear on the document.

Contact Information

At the top of your resume, you should list the best way for a potential employer to reach you. Include your cell phone number and a professional-looking email address (generally your name at email provider dot com).

Summary or Objective

If you had an extensive and successful career before your career break, this section should feature a short summary or objective paragraph summarizing your many accomplishments. But, if your previous work history is shorter or unrelated to the role you’re currently pursuing, you should take a few lines to explain your objective and why you’re ideal for the position.

Work Experience

Here, you should list the roles you’ve held in reverse chronological order — with stay-at-home mom at the top. You should include your title, company name, dates, and accomplishments for all positions. Remember: Hiring managers are less interested in the duties you performed than the achievements you made, so use this space to share how your efforts benefitted the organization.

For your time as a stay-at-home mom, you should focus on any freelance, part-time, or volunteer work you did. Doing so demonstrates that you remained active and honed new skills. Potential bullet points include:

  • Wrote 50+ articles for XYZ publication
  • Started an Etsy shop selling jewelry and made $10,000 of profit in a year
  • Read to three blind senior citizens per week for the last two years
  • Outsold full-time employees working 20 hours per week at ABC retail store

Whenever possible, tie your current and previous experience to the target role’s requirements outlined in the job description.

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Related: Chronological Resume Format

Education and Certifications

This section should include relevant education (even if you didn’t finish your degree) and certifications. If your experience segment is a little light, be sure to add more details here, such as your GPA (if it’s higher than 3.5) or specific coursework.


Your resume is your opportunity to brag (humbly, of course!). So, if you’ve been recognized for your work, note that here.


By now, you should have demonstrated most of your key skills via your summary or objective and work experience. But, this section allows you to recap your most impressive abilities — and include any others you feel are relevant to the role. For more tips, check out our guide to listing soft skills and hard skills on your resume.

Pro Tip: Regardless of the section, make sure that anything listed on your resume supports why you’re the right person for this particular job.

What Should Be Left Off A Stay-At-Home Mom Resume?

While you should include your time as a stay-at-home mom within your experience section, you should generally avoid sharing specific details about your role as a mother or a homemaker. For example, the hiring manager likely won’t find it relevant that you took care of three kids under age seven. However, the exception would be if you’re applying for a role in childcare or early childhood education since your ability to care for children would be directly related.

Important Job Skills For Stay-At-Home Mom Resumes

Your stay-at-home mom resume should highlight your professional skills. But while it may be tempting to do a brain dump of all of your competencies, you should be more strategic. The skills you include should align with the abilities required for the job you want — as stated in the job advertisement. You may also want to list universally applicable soft skills, such as communication, organization, or decision-making.

How To Explain Gaps In Employment On Stay-At-Home Mom Resume

You should explain employment gaps directly. That way, your potential new boss sees that you’re honest and understands why you were out of the workforce.

You don’t have to share a lot. Instead, simply include your time as a stay-at-home mom on your resume like you would any other role. Then, if asked, you can reassure the hiring manager that you’re now able to focus on your career again — and that you’re excited to do so at their company.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do you say stay at home mom on resume?

Be open about the time you spent staying home with your children. State it clearly on your resume, and be sure to highlight the skills you gained fulfilling that role.

How do I write a resume if I haven’t worked in years?

Create a resume that focuses on your skills and education. Showcase volunteer positions held or credentials earned while you were unemployed.

Can you put homemaker on a resume?

Yes, you can put homemaker on a resume. You should list it just like every other role you’ve held.

How do you put motherhood on a resume?

You can include motherhood on a resume by listing it amongst the other positions you’ve held. Be sure to include the dates, skills learned, and notable accomplishments.

The Bottom Line

Returning to the office after caring for your children may feel like a daunting prospect, but you can do this. With a well-crafted stay-at-home mom resume, you’ll rekindle your career in no time.

If you’re struggling to create the perfect resume, we encourage you to check out one of our choices for the best resume writing service. Then, go to ZipRecruiter to find and apply for your next role.